Lilau Square

Lilau Square

The ground water of Lilau used to be the main source of natural spring water in Macao. The Portuguese popular phrase: “One who drinks from Lilau never forgets Macao” expresses the locals’ nostalgic attachment to Lilau Square. This area corresponds to one of the first Portuguese residential quarters in Macao with a typically Mediterranean atmosphere containing some later Art Deco influences that contrast with the nearby traditional Chinese architecture of the Mandarin’s House residential complex, in a clear example of a fusion of western and Chinese urban and architectural concepts.

Largo do Lilau (Lilau Square) was built around the natural spring which used to provide fresh water to Macau's people, back in the old colonial days... As a matter of fact, that is where Portuguese Macau has started to develop from, and the small stone-paved streets around the square are full of old days charm (including some heritage buildings that are well worth visiting).

Lilau Square

Lilau (which translates to 'mountain spring' in Portuguese) was highly valued by the residents of the small colony, and a famous local saying from those days was that "Anyone who drinks from the water of the Lilau - will never forget Macau"...

Largo do Lilau is part of the UNESCO recognized "Historic Centre of Macau" and is normally accessed via Calcada da Barra (From A-Ma Temple and the Macau Maritime Museum) or via Rua Padre Antonio / Rua de São Lourenço (if coming from St. Lawrence's Church and Largo Senado)
Lilau Square is a few minutes’ walk from A-Ma Temple and Macau Maritime Museum.

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